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發(fā)生故障時,注意從故障現(xiàn)象分析故障原因,結(jié)合原理分析結(jié)構(gòu),由表及里,先易后難。發(fā)生故障時應(yīng)首先考慮以下三個問題: (1) 故障發(fā)生前出現(xiàn)什么現(xiàn)象?
When a fault occurs, pay attention to analyze the cause of the fault from the fault phenomenon, and analyze the structure combined with the principle, from the surface to the inside, easy first and then difficult. The following three problems should be considered first when the fault occurs: (1) what phenomenon appears before the fault occurs?
(2) 故障發(fā)生前進行過哪些保養(yǎng)、檢修工作?
(2) What maintenance and repair work have been carried out before the fault occurs?
(3) 以前是否遇到類似的情況? 怎么處理的?另外,當機組允許在運行中判斷問題所在時,可在運行中判斷。
(3) Have similar situations been encountered before? How to deal with them? In addition, when the unit is allowed to judge the problem during operation, it can be judged during operation.
For example, if the exhaust temperature is too high or the exhaust temperature of a certain cylinder suddenly changes greatly during the operation of the unit, first check whether the gas regulating valve of each cylinder is loose under the operation state of the equipment. If the problem still exists after the gas control valve is ruled out to be not loose, the ignition system, such as spark plug and ignition coil, shall be shut down to check whether there is any problem; if the exhaust temperature is abnormal, It is necessary to distinguish whether the single cylinder or the overall exhaust temperature is abnormal. If the single cylinder is abnormal, whether the instrument display is abnormal should be considered, which can be eliminated by measuring thermoelectric EMF or reversing the line; if it is overall abnormal, whether the gas concentration has changed or whether there is poor ignition should be considered.
排除故障時,當沒有有效手段查清故障原因時,可以采用置換法。例如當懷疑點火控制器出現(xiàn)故障時,檢查和調(diào)整時需將點火控制器連接到PC 電腦或?qū)S檬痔峋幊唐魃线M行調(diào)整,但基本上維護單位都不會配置這些檢測設(shè)備,這時就可以把其他備用設(shè)備上的點火控制器拆過來裝上后開機運轉(zhuǎn),通過觀察類似的故障現(xiàn)象是否再次發(fā)生來判斷是不是點火控制器損壞。
When troubleshooting, when there is no effective means to find out the cause of the fault, replacement method can be used. For example, when it is suspected that the ignition controller is faulty, it is necessary to connect the ignition controller to a PC or a dedicated portable programmer for adjustment during inspection and adjustment, but basically the maintenance unit will not configure these detection equipment. In this case, the ignition controller on other standby equipment can be disassembled, installed and started to run, Whether the ignition controller is damaged can be judged by observing whether the similar fault phenomenon occurs again.
Gas generator set is a new type of generator set developed to meet the requirements of world environmental protection and new market environment. Natural gas generator set is mainly divided into two types, one is combined cycle gas turbine, the other is gas-fired internal combustion engine. The power of gas turbine is relatively large, which is mainly used in large and medium-sized power stations, while the power of gas-fired internal combustion engine is relatively small, which is mainly used in small-scale distributed power stations. It is a new green power to replace oil and coal-fired units. Making full use of all kinds of natural gas or harmful gas as fuel can turn waste into treasure, operate safely and conveniently, have high cost-effectiveness, low emission pollution, and are suitable for cogeneration of heat and electricity.
China is rich in natural gas resources. Compared with China's abundant natural gas reserves, the proportion of natural gas in China's primary energy consumption is too small, which has the potential to be greatly improved in the future.
In China, due to the influence of natural gas supply, natural gas power generation is still in the initial stage. It will take time for large-scale natural gas power generation to be a distributed energy station. At present, small-scale natural gas power generation is mainly in oil fields, gas fields, airports, hotels, hospitals, etc. It can be predicted that with the increasing supply of natural gas and the continuous expansion of the scope of supply, natural gas power generation will get a rapid development in recent years
This article is compiled and released by gas generator set. Do you have any understanding of these contents? For more information, please click: http://www.a7716.cn We'll have a lot more to see.
  • 服務(wù)熱線



發(fā)生故障時,注意從故障現(xiàn)象分析故障原因,結(jié)合原理分析結(jié)構(gòu),由表及里,先易后難。發(fā)生故障時應(yīng)首先考慮以下三個問題: (1) 故障發(fā)生前出現(xiàn)什么現(xiàn)象?
When a fault occurs, pay attention to analyze the cause of the fault from the fault phenomenon, and analyze the structure combined with the principle, from the surface to the inside, easy first and then difficult. The following three problems should be considered first when the fault occurs: (1) what phenomenon appears before the fault occurs?
(2) 故障發(fā)生前進行過哪些保養(yǎng)、檢修工作?
(2) What maintenance and repair work have been carried out before the fault occurs?
(3) 以前是否遇到類似的情況? 怎么處理的?另外,當機組允許在運行中判斷問題所在時,可在運行中判斷。
(3) Have similar situations been encountered before? How to deal with them? In addition, when the unit is allowed to judge the problem during operation, it can be judged during operation.
For example, if the exhaust temperature is too high or the exhaust temperature of a certain cylinder suddenly changes greatly during the operation of the unit, first check whether the gas regulating valve of each cylinder is loose under the operation state of the equipment. If the problem still exists after the gas control valve is ruled out to be not loose, the ignition system, such as spark plug and ignition coil, shall be shut down to check whether there is any problem; if the exhaust temperature is abnormal, It is necessary to distinguish whether the single cylinder or the overall exhaust temperature is abnormal. If the single cylinder is abnormal, whether the instrument display is abnormal should be considered, which can be eliminated by measuring thermoelectric EMF or reversing the line; if it is overall abnormal, whether the gas concentration has changed or whether there is poor ignition should be considered.
排除故障時,當沒有有效手段查清故障原因時,可以采用置換法。例如當懷疑點火控制器出現(xiàn)故障時,檢查和調(diào)整時需將點火控制器連接到PC 電腦或?qū)S檬痔峋幊唐魃线M行調(diào)整,但基本上維護單位都不會配置這些檢測設(shè)備,這時就可以把其他備用設(shè)備上的點火控制器拆過來裝上后開機運轉(zhuǎn),通過觀察類似的故障現(xiàn)象是否再次發(fā)生來判斷是不是點火控制器損壞。
When troubleshooting, when there is no effective means to find out the cause of the fault, replacement method can be used. For example, when it is suspected that the ignition controller is faulty, it is necessary to connect the ignition controller to a PC or a dedicated portable programmer for adjustment during inspection and adjustment, but basically the maintenance unit will not configure these detection equipment. In this case, the ignition controller on other standby equipment can be disassembled, installed and started to run, Whether the ignition controller is damaged can be judged by observing whether the similar fault phenomenon occurs again.
Gas generator set is a new type of generator set developed to meet the requirements of world environmental protection and new market environment. Natural gas generator set is mainly divided into two types, one is combined cycle gas turbine, the other is gas-fired internal combustion engine. The power of gas turbine is relatively large, which is mainly used in large and medium-sized power stations, while the power of gas-fired internal combustion engine is relatively small, which is mainly used in small-scale distributed power stations. It is a new green power to replace oil and coal-fired units. Making full use of all kinds of natural gas or harmful gas as fuel can turn waste into treasure, operate safely and conveniently, have high cost-effectiveness, low emission pollution, and are suitable for cogeneration of heat and electricity.
China is rich in natural gas resources. Compared with China's abundant natural gas reserves, the proportion of natural gas in China's primary energy consumption is too small, which has the potential to be greatly improved in the future.
In China, due to the influence of natural gas supply, natural gas power generation is still in the initial stage. It will take time for large-scale natural gas power generation to be a distributed energy station. At present, small-scale natural gas power generation is mainly in oil fields, gas fields, airports, hotels, hospitals, etc. It can be predicted that with the increasing supply of natural gas and the continuous expansion of the scope of supply, natural gas power generation will get a rapid development in recent years
This article is compiled and released by gas generator set. Do you have any understanding of these contents? For more information, please click: http://www.a7716.cn We'll have a lot more to see.