



返回 2020.11.09 來源:http://www.a7716.cn 0
1. Gas concentration. The concentration limit of gas explosion refers to the volume concentration of gas in the mixture of gas and air. When the gas concentration reaches 9.5%, theoretically, the gas can react safely with the oxygen in the air, thus releasing the most heat, so the explosion intensity is the largest; when the gas concentration is lower than 5%, due to the less gas participating in the chemical reaction, it can not form heat accumulation, so it can not explode and can only burn; When the gas concentration is higher than 16%, due to the lack of oxygen in the air, it can not meet all the needs of oxygen reaction. Only part of the gas reacts with oxygen, and the heat generated is absorbed and cooled by the excess gas and surrounding media, so the explosion can not occur.
2、充足的氧氣含量。瓦斯與空氣混合氣體中氧氣的濃度必須大于12%,否則爆炸反應(yīng)不能持續(xù)。煤礦井下的封閉區(qū)域、 采空區(qū)內(nèi)及其他裂隙等處,由于氧氣消耗或沒有供氧條件,可能出氧氣濃度低于12%的情況;其他巷道、工作場(chǎng)所等按規(guī)定氧氣含量不得低于20%,一般不存在 氧氣濃度低于12%的情況 ,因?yàn)樵谛┣闆r下,人員在短時(shí)間內(nèi)就會(huì)窒息而死亡。
2. Adequate oxygen content. The concentration of oxygen in the mixture of gas and air must be more than 12%, otherwise the explosion reaction cannot be sustained. Due to oxygen consumption or lack of oxygen supply conditions, the oxygen concentration may be lower than 12% in the closed area, goaf and other fissures under the coal mine; the oxygen content in other roadways and workplaces shall not be less than 20% according to the regulations, and generally there is no case of oxygen concentration lower than 12%, because in some cases, personnel will suffocate and die in a short time.
3、足夠能量的點(diǎn)火源。點(diǎn)火源能夠引起瓦斯爆炸的三個(gè)條件是:(1)溫度不低于650度。(2)能量大于 0.28mJ.(3)持續(xù)時(shí)間大于爆炸感應(yīng)期。這三個(gè)條件通常很容易滿足,如明火、煤炭自燃、撞擊火花、電火花等。在煤礦開采過程中,對(duì)一些不可避免的火源有時(shí)需要采取特殊的技術(shù),使其不能滿足瓦斯的點(diǎn)火條件 。例如:井下爆破時(shí)所用的毫秒雷管產(chǎn)生的火焰,其他溫度主達(dá)2000度,但持續(xù)的時(shí)間很短,小于爆炸感應(yīng)期,因此不會(huì)引起瓦斯爆炸。
3. Ignition source with enough energy. The three conditions for ignition source to cause gas explosion are: (1) the temperature is not lower than 650 ℃. (2) (3) the duration is longer than the induction period. These three conditions are usually easy to meet, such as open fire, coal spontaneous combustion, impact spark, electric spark, etc. In the process of coal mining, some inevitable fire sources sometimes need to adopt special technology, which can not meet the ignition conditions of gas. For example: the flame produced by millisecond detonator used in underground blasting, other temperatures are mainly up to 2000 degrees, but the duration is very short, which is less than the induction period of explosion, so it will not cause gas explosion.
We know that the main component of gas is methane (CH4), It is a kind of colorless and tasteless combustible gas. When the gas concentration is 5% - 16%, it will explode in case of open fire. When the concentration is 9.5%, the explosion is the most powerful. When the gas concentration is greater than 16%, the gas will only burn but not explode in case of open fire. We use the gas generator set to generate electricity, so as to make the concentration of gas source reach the explosion range (preferably 9.5%), At this time, the chemical energy generated by the explosion is the largest, and the power generation efficiency is the highest. In addition to gas concentration, power generation also has certain requirements for gas temperature, pressure, moisture content and impurity particle size
◎瓦斯溫度≤ 40℃;
Gas temperature ≤ 40 ℃;
◎瓦斯壓力 3 ~ 20kpa,壓力變化率≤ 1kpa/m
The gas pressure is 3 ~ 20KPa, and the pressure change rate is ≤ 1kPa / m
◎ H2S ≤ 200mg/Nm3 ;
◎ H2S ≤ 200mg/Nm3 ;
◎瓦斯中水分含量≤ 40g/Nm3;
Moisture content in gas ≤ 40g / Nm3;
◎雜質(zhì)粒度≤ 5μm, 雜質(zhì)含量≤ 30mg/Nm3
The particle size of impurities is less than 5 μ m, and the impurity content is less than 30 mg / Nm3
For more questions or details about gas generator set, please visit our website: http://www.a7716.cn There will be a lot of content in the website for reference only.
  • 服務(wù)熱線



1. Gas concentration. The concentration limit of gas explosion refers to the volume concentration of gas in the mixture of gas and air. When the gas concentration reaches 9.5%, theoretically, the gas can react safely with the oxygen in the air, thus releasing the most heat, so the explosion intensity is the largest; when the gas concentration is lower than 5%, due to the less gas participating in the chemical reaction, it can not form heat accumulation, so it can not explode and can only burn; When the gas concentration is higher than 16%, due to the lack of oxygen in the air, it can not meet all the needs of oxygen reaction. Only part of the gas reacts with oxygen, and the heat generated is absorbed and cooled by the excess gas and surrounding media, so the explosion can not occur.
2、充足的氧氣含量。瓦斯與空氣混合氣體中氧氣的濃度必須大于12%,否則爆炸反應(yīng)不能持續(xù)。煤礦井下的封閉區(qū)域、 采空區(qū)內(nèi)及其他裂隙等處,由于氧氣消耗或沒有供氧條件,可能出氧氣濃度低于12%的情況;其他巷道、工作場(chǎng)所等按規(guī)定氧氣含量不得低于20%,一般不存在 氧氣濃度低于12%的情況 ,因?yàn)樵谛┣闆r下,人員在短時(shí)間內(nèi)就會(huì)窒息而死亡。
2. Adequate oxygen content. The concentration of oxygen in the mixture of gas and air must be more than 12%, otherwise the explosion reaction cannot be sustained. Due to oxygen consumption or lack of oxygen supply conditions, the oxygen concentration may be lower than 12% in the closed area, goaf and other fissures under the coal mine; the oxygen content in other roadways and workplaces shall not be less than 20% according to the regulations, and generally there is no case of oxygen concentration lower than 12%, because in some cases, personnel will suffocate and die in a short time.
3、足夠能量的點(diǎn)火源。點(diǎn)火源能夠引起瓦斯爆炸的三個(gè)條件是:(1)溫度不低于650度。(2)能量大于 0.28mJ.(3)持續(xù)時(shí)間大于爆炸感應(yīng)期。這三個(gè)條件通常很容易滿足,如明火、煤炭自燃、撞擊火花、電火花等。在煤礦開采過程中,對(duì)一些不可避免的火源有時(shí)需要采取特殊的技術(shù),使其不能滿足瓦斯的點(diǎn)火條件 。例如:井下爆破時(shí)所用的毫秒雷管產(chǎn)生的火焰,其他溫度主達(dá)2000度,但持續(xù)的時(shí)間很短,小于爆炸感應(yīng)期,因此不會(huì)引起瓦斯爆炸。
3. Ignition source with enough energy. The three conditions for ignition source to cause gas explosion are: (1) the temperature is not lower than 650 ℃. (2) (3) the duration is longer than the induction period. These three conditions are usually easy to meet, such as open fire, coal spontaneous combustion, impact spark, electric spark, etc. In the process of coal mining, some inevitable fire sources sometimes need to adopt special technology, which can not meet the ignition conditions of gas. For example: the flame produced by millisecond detonator used in underground blasting, other temperatures are mainly up to 2000 degrees, but the duration is very short, which is less than the induction period of explosion, so it will not cause gas explosion.
We know that the main component of gas is methane (CH4), It is a kind of colorless and tasteless combustible gas. When the gas concentration is 5% - 16%, it will explode in case of open fire. When the concentration is 9.5%, the explosion is the most powerful. When the gas concentration is greater than 16%, the gas will only burn but not explode in case of open fire. We use the gas generator set to generate electricity, so as to make the concentration of gas source reach the explosion range (preferably 9.5%), At this time, the chemical energy generated by the explosion is the largest, and the power generation efficiency is the highest. In addition to gas concentration, power generation also has certain requirements for gas temperature, pressure, moisture content and impurity particle size
◎瓦斯溫度≤ 40℃;
Gas temperature ≤ 40 ℃;
◎瓦斯壓力 3 ~ 20kpa,壓力變化率≤ 1kpa/m
The gas pressure is 3 ~ 20KPa, and the pressure change rate is ≤ 1kPa / m
◎ H2S ≤ 200mg/Nm3 ;
◎ H2S ≤ 200mg/Nm3 ;
◎瓦斯中水分含量≤ 40g/Nm3;
Moisture content in gas ≤ 40g / Nm3;
◎雜質(zhì)粒度≤ 5μm, 雜質(zhì)含量≤ 30mg/Nm3
The particle size of impurities is less than 5 μ m, and the impurity content is less than 30 mg / Nm3
For more questions or details about gas generator set, please visit our website: http://www.a7716.cn There will be a lot of content in the website for reference only.