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煤礦瓦斯分高濃度瓦斯和低濃度瓦斯,高濃度瓦斯是指瓦斯?jié)舛却笥?0%的瓦斯,低濃度瓦斯是指瓦斯?jié)舛鹊陀?0%的瓦斯。我國 60%以上的瓦斯是含甲
Coal mine gas is divided into high concentration gas and low concentration gas. High concentration gas refers to gas with a gas concentration greater than 30%, while low concentration gas refers to gas with a gas concentration lower than 30%. More than 60% of the gas in China contains A
Low concentration gas with an alkane content below 30% cannot be stored and transported, let alone utilized, according to coal mine safety regulations.
Low concentration gas power generation needs to solve two problems: firstly, each coal mine itself is different and constantly changing, making it difficult for traditional power generation units to "adapt to changes with immutability"; The second is the safe transportation of low concentration gas
Delivery issues. The Jichai low concentration gas generator unit adopts electronic control gas mixer technology, which can automatically control the air fuel ratio to adapt to changes in gas concentration. At the same time, the low concentration gas safety transportation technology adopts fine water mist and multiple fire resistance technologies, solving the problem of ground safety transportation of low concentration gas.
When gas is used for internal combustion engine power generation and the concentration of extracted gas is less than 30%, it shall not be directly burned as gas; When used for internal combustion engine power generation or other purposes, the utilization and transportation of gas must comply with
Provisions on relevant standards and development of safety technical measures. This provides institutional guarantees for low concentration gas power generation.
  • 服務熱線



煤礦瓦斯分高濃度瓦斯和低濃度瓦斯,高濃度瓦斯是指瓦斯?jié)舛却笥?0%的瓦斯,低濃度瓦斯是指瓦斯?jié)舛鹊陀?0%的瓦斯。我國 60%以上的瓦斯是含甲
Coal mine gas is divided into high concentration gas and low concentration gas. High concentration gas refers to gas with a gas concentration greater than 30%, while low concentration gas refers to gas with a gas concentration lower than 30%. More than 60% of the gas in China contains A
Low concentration gas with an alkane content below 30% cannot be stored and transported, let alone utilized, according to coal mine safety regulations.
Low concentration gas power generation needs to solve two problems: firstly, each coal mine itself is different and constantly changing, making it difficult for traditional power generation units to "adapt to changes with immutability"; The second is the safe transportation of low concentration gas
Delivery issues. The Jichai low concentration gas generator unit adopts electronic control gas mixer technology, which can automatically control the air fuel ratio to adapt to changes in gas concentration. At the same time, the low concentration gas safety transportation technology adopts fine water mist and multiple fire resistance technologies, solving the problem of ground safety transportation of low concentration gas.
When gas is used for internal combustion engine power generation and the concentration of extracted gas is less than 30%, it shall not be directly burned as gas; When used for internal combustion engine power generation or other purposes, the utilization and transportation of gas must comply with
Provisions on relevant standards and development of safety technical measures. This provides institutional guarantees for low concentration gas power generation.