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1、 The main causes of fuel injection nozzle sticking are as follows:
① 柴油不清潔,高壓油管內(nèi)有雜質(zhì),力出寞了噴曲器針閥偶件的磨損,使針閥偶件關(guān)閉不嚴(yán),燃燒室內(nèi)高壓燃?xì)夥锤Z,燒壞針閥偶件。此外,噴油器調(diào)壓彈簧、挺桿等 零件上的臟物通過噴油器挺桿移到了噴油器針閥上部,或油路上用于防止漏油的棉繩、鉛絲經(jīng)高壓油管進(jìn)入噴油器,都會(huì)使針閥偶件卡死。
① The diesel oil is not clean and there are impurities in the high-pressure oil pipe, which force the needle valve coupling parts of the injector to wear out, so that the needle valve coupling parts are not closed tightly, and the high-pressure gas in the combustion chamber reverses and burns the needle valve coupling parts. In addition, the dirt on the pressure regulating spring and tappet of the injector moves to the upper part of the needle valve of the injector through the injector tappet, or the cotton rope and lead wire used to prevent oil leakage from entering the injector through the high-pressure oil pipe will cause the needle valve coupling to be stuck.
② The temperature of the machine is too high, and the cooling of the spinneret is poor, and the coupling parts of the valve are stuck. However, too late fuel supply time, excessive scale or blockage of cooling water channel, wear of pump impeller end face and long-term overload of engine will make the engine overheat.
③ The wear of discharge valve causes the fuel dropping phenomenon when the injector stops fuel injection, which causes the nozzle to burn coke and deposit carbon, resulting in stuck fault.
④ If the injection pressure is too low, the high pressure gas in the combustion chamber will reverse;
⑤ When the fuel injector is installed, the missing gasket or the gasket is damaged, resulting in air leakage, causing the local temperature of the injector to be too high and stuck.
⑥ The reasons for parts manufacturing are as follows: the injector mounting hole on the cylinder head matches the injector too tightly, the clearance between the needle valve body and the cylinder head is too small, and the machining of the injector mounting hole in the cylinder head is too deep.
2、 Repair method for stuck fuel injection nozzle:
先 將卡死的噴油嘴放入柴油或機(jī)油內(nèi)加溫,然后取出用布包住,再用手鉗夾緊針閥并慢慢活動(dòng),將針閥從針閥體內(nèi)取出。將少量清潔機(jī)油滴在針閥體內(nèi),使針閥在針閥 體內(nèi)反復(fù)活動(dòng),直至針閥能在針閥體內(nèi)活動(dòng)自如。如針閥的密封面有燒傷的痕跡,應(yīng)當(dāng)用研磨膏進(jìn)行研磨。研磨時(shí)要注意掌握研磨膏用量和研磨時(shí)間。將清洗干凈的 鐘閥偶件裝上噴油器,并調(diào)整好噴油壓力后即可重新使用。
First put the stuck nozzle into diesel oil or engine oil for heating, then take it out and wrap it with cloth. Then clamp the needle valve with a pair of pliers and move it slowly to take out the needle valve from the needle valve body. Drop a small amount of clean oil into the needle valve body to make the needle valve move repeatedly in the needle valve body until the needle valve can move freely in the needle valve body. If there are burn marks on the sealing surface of the needle valve, the grinding paste should be used for grinding. When grinding, pay attention to master the amount of grinding paste and grinding time. Install the cleaned bell valve coupling on the injector and adjust the injection pressure before reuse.
  • 服務(wù)熱線



1、 The main causes of fuel injection nozzle sticking are as follows:
① 柴油不清潔,高壓油管內(nèi)有雜質(zhì),力出寞了噴曲器針閥偶件的磨損,使針閥偶件關(guān)閉不嚴(yán),燃燒室內(nèi)高壓燃?xì)夥锤Z,燒壞針閥偶件。此外,噴油器調(diào)壓彈簧、挺桿等 零件上的臟物通過噴油器挺桿移到了噴油器針閥上部,或油路上用于防止漏油的棉繩、鉛絲經(jīng)高壓油管進(jìn)入噴油器,都會(huì)使針閥偶件卡死。
① The diesel oil is not clean and there are impurities in the high-pressure oil pipe, which force the needle valve coupling parts of the injector to wear out, so that the needle valve coupling parts are not closed tightly, and the high-pressure gas in the combustion chamber reverses and burns the needle valve coupling parts. In addition, the dirt on the pressure regulating spring and tappet of the injector moves to the upper part of the needle valve of the injector through the injector tappet, or the cotton rope and lead wire used to prevent oil leakage from entering the injector through the high-pressure oil pipe will cause the needle valve coupling to be stuck.
② The temperature of the machine is too high, and the cooling of the spinneret is poor, and the coupling parts of the valve are stuck. However, too late fuel supply time, excessive scale or blockage of cooling water channel, wear of pump impeller end face and long-term overload of engine will make the engine overheat.
③ The wear of discharge valve causes the fuel dropping phenomenon when the injector stops fuel injection, which causes the nozzle to burn coke and deposit carbon, resulting in stuck fault.
④ If the injection pressure is too low, the high pressure gas in the combustion chamber will reverse;
⑤ When the fuel injector is installed, the missing gasket or the gasket is damaged, resulting in air leakage, causing the local temperature of the injector to be too high and stuck.
⑥ The reasons for parts manufacturing are as follows: the injector mounting hole on the cylinder head matches the injector too tightly, the clearance between the needle valve body and the cylinder head is too small, and the machining of the injector mounting hole in the cylinder head is too deep.
2、 Repair method for stuck fuel injection nozzle:
先 將卡死的噴油嘴放入柴油或機(jī)油內(nèi)加溫,然后取出用布包住,再用手鉗夾緊針閥并慢慢活動(dòng),將針閥從針閥體內(nèi)取出。將少量清潔機(jī)油滴在針閥體內(nèi),使針閥在針閥 體內(nèi)反復(fù)活動(dòng),直至針閥能在針閥體內(nèi)活動(dòng)自如。如針閥的密封面有燒傷的痕跡,應(yīng)當(dāng)用研磨膏進(jìn)行研磨。研磨時(shí)要注意掌握研磨膏用量和研磨時(shí)間。將清洗干凈的 鐘閥偶件裝上噴油器,并調(diào)整好噴油壓力后即可重新使用。
First put the stuck nozzle into diesel oil or engine oil for heating, then take it out and wrap it with cloth. Then clamp the needle valve with a pair of pliers and move it slowly to take out the needle valve from the needle valve body. Drop a small amount of clean oil into the needle valve body to make the needle valve move repeatedly in the needle valve body until the needle valve can move freely in the needle valve body. If there are burn marks on the sealing surface of the needle valve, the grinding paste should be used for grinding. When grinding, pay attention to master the amount of grinding paste and grinding time. Install the cleaned bell valve coupling on the injector and adjust the injection pressure before reuse.