



返回 2023.03.07 來(lái)源:http://www.a7716.cn 0
The gas generator set is generally divided into steam turbine power generation and internal combustion engine power generation. Generally, the reciprocating piston internal combustion engine is used for the gas generator set with the highest efficiency. The power generation efficiency of foreign brands such as Yanbach and Waksha is generally 38-40%, while the domestic brands of Jichai do the best, generally 35-38%.
Gas turbine is used for power generation. Generally, the efficiency of gas turbine power generation driven by primary combustion is 28-30%; The efficiency of secondary steam power generation is 15-20%.
It can be seen that the power generation efficiency of gas generating units is usually between 30% and 40%, and the common models can generally reach 35%. The advantages of gas internal combustion engine are high power generation efficiency, high equipment integration and fast installation. The requirement for dust in the gas is not high, and water is basically not needed, and the unit kilowatt cost of the equipment is also relatively low.、
The common rated power generation efficiency of gas generator sets is between 38% and 42% for imported gas generator sets, and between 30% and 35% for domestic units.
In addition to knowing the gas consumption of the gas generator unit, the following issues need to be determined:
① 每度電的能量等同于3.6MJ。
① The energy per kilowatt-hour is equivalent to 3.6MJ.
② 使用的天然氣的熱值為多少,一般為8300大卡—8500大卡之間(折合為34.7—35.6MJ),但是近年來(lái)燃?xì)夤径荚谑褂眉夹g(shù)手段降低熱值,天然氣熱值擬定為35MJ每立方。
② The calorific value of natural gas used is generally between 8300 kcal and 8500 kcal (equivalent to 34.7-35.6 MJ), but in recent years, gas companies have been using technical means to reduce the calorific value, and the calorific value of natural gas is proposed to be 35 MJ per cubic meter.
③ 確定發(fā)電機(jī)組發(fā)電效率(當(dāng)發(fā)電功率為700KW時(shí)),擬定為40%
③ Determine the generating efficiency of the generator unit (when the generating power is 700KW), which is proposed to be 40%
The calculation is as follows:
700÷(35÷3.6 × 40%)≈180m
With the above summary of gas generator set, I hope it can help our customers. If you don't understand or ask for help, please click our website: http://www.a7716.cn Or call for consultation, and we will do our best to solve it for you
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The gas generator set is generally divided into steam turbine power generation and internal combustion engine power generation. Generally, the reciprocating piston internal combustion engine is used for the gas generator set with the highest efficiency. The power generation efficiency of foreign brands such as Yanbach and Waksha is generally 38-40%, while the domestic brands of Jichai do the best, generally 35-38%.
Gas turbine is used for power generation. Generally, the efficiency of gas turbine power generation driven by primary combustion is 28-30%; The efficiency of secondary steam power generation is 15-20%.
It can be seen that the power generation efficiency of gas generating units is usually between 30% and 40%, and the common models can generally reach 35%. The advantages of gas internal combustion engine are high power generation efficiency, high equipment integration and fast installation. The requirement for dust in the gas is not high, and water is basically not needed, and the unit kilowatt cost of the equipment is also relatively low.、
The common rated power generation efficiency of gas generator sets is between 38% and 42% for imported gas generator sets, and between 30% and 35% for domestic units.
In addition to knowing the gas consumption of the gas generator unit, the following issues need to be determined:
① 每度電的能量等同于3.6MJ。
① The energy per kilowatt-hour is equivalent to 3.6MJ.
② 使用的天然氣的熱值為多少,一般為8300大卡—8500大卡之間(折合為34.7—35.6MJ),但是近年來(lái)燃?xì)夤径荚谑褂眉夹g(shù)手段降低熱值,天然氣熱值擬定為35MJ每立方。
② The calorific value of natural gas used is generally between 8300 kcal and 8500 kcal (equivalent to 34.7-35.6 MJ), but in recent years, gas companies have been using technical means to reduce the calorific value, and the calorific value of natural gas is proposed to be 35 MJ per cubic meter.
③ 確定發(fā)電機(jī)組發(fā)電效率(當(dāng)發(fā)電功率為700KW時(shí)),擬定為40%
③ Determine the generating efficiency of the generator unit (when the generating power is 700KW), which is proposed to be 40%
The calculation is as follows:
700÷(35÷3.6 × 40%)≈180m
With the above summary of gas generator set, I hope it can help our customers. If you don't understand or ask for help, please click our website: http://www.a7716.cn Or call for consultation, and we will do our best to solve it for you