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返回 2023.09.18 來源:http://www.a7716.cn 0
Common faults and solutions for gas generator sets include:
1. 燃?xì)夤?yīng)中斷:檢查燃?xì)夤艿朗欠裼卸氯蛐孤?,確保燃?xì)夤?yīng)正常。解決方法包括修復(fù)燃?xì)夤艿阑蚵?lián)系相關(guān)部門維修。
1. Gas supply interruption: Check the gas pipeline for blockages or leaks to ensure normal gas supply. The solution includes repairing the gas pipeline or contacting relevant departments for maintenance.
2. 發(fā)動機(jī)無法啟動:檢查燃?xì)獍l(fā)動機(jī)的電源是否正常,確保電池充電足夠。同時檢查并更換老化的火花塞或噴油嘴等零部件。
2. Engine cannot start: Check if the power supply of the gas engine is normal and ensure that the battery is fully charged. Simultaneously inspect and replace aging spark plugs or fuel injectors and other components.
3. 高溫告警:檢查冷卻系統(tǒng)是否正常運(yùn)行,確保冷卻液循環(huán)暢通和散熱器清潔。同時可以增加散熱風(fēng)扇,并在高溫時停機(jī)降溫。
3. High temperature alarm: Check if the cooling system is operating normally, ensuring smooth circulation of coolant and cleanliness of the radiator. At the same time, a cooling fan can be added and the machine can be shut down for cooling during high temperatures.
4. 油壓不足:檢查機(jī)油液面是否足夠,是否存在漏油情況。檢查并更換損壞的油泵、油路堵塞的零部件。
4. Insufficient oil pressure: Check if the oil level is sufficient and if there is any oil leakage. Check and replace damaged oil pumps and blocked oil circuit components.
5. 發(fā)電機(jī)輸出異常:檢查發(fā)電機(jī)的電壓和頻率是否符合要求??梢酝ㄟ^校準(zhǔn)電壓調(diào)節(jié)器或替換不正常的穩(wěn)壓器來解決。
5. Abnormal generator output: Check if the voltage and frequency of the generator meet the requirements. This can be resolved by calibrating the voltage regulator or replacing an abnormal voltage regulator.
6. 運(yùn)行不穩(wěn)定:檢查燃?xì)獍l(fā)動機(jī)的點(diǎn)火裝置、油氣比、空氣過濾器等關(guān)鍵部件,確保其運(yùn)行正常。及時進(jìn)行維護(hù)和保養(yǎng),定期更換磨損的零部件。
6. Unstable operation: Check the ignition device, oil gas ratio, air filter and other key components of the gas engine to ensure their normal operation. Timely maintenance and upkeep, regularly replace worn parts.
For the above faults, it is recommended to regularly inspect and maintain the gas generator set to ensure its normal operation. At the same time, if a malfunction occurs and you do not have the ability to repair it, you should promptly contact a professional repair service provider for repair or consultation.
  • 服務(wù)熱線



Common faults and solutions for gas generator sets include:
1. 燃?xì)夤?yīng)中斷:檢查燃?xì)夤艿朗欠裼卸氯蛐孤?,確保燃?xì)夤?yīng)正常。解決方法包括修復(fù)燃?xì)夤艿阑蚵?lián)系相關(guān)部門維修。
1. Gas supply interruption: Check the gas pipeline for blockages or leaks to ensure normal gas supply. The solution includes repairing the gas pipeline or contacting relevant departments for maintenance.
2. 發(fā)動機(jī)無法啟動:檢查燃?xì)獍l(fā)動機(jī)的電源是否正常,確保電池充電足夠。同時檢查并更換老化的火花塞或噴油嘴等零部件。
2. Engine cannot start: Check if the power supply of the gas engine is normal and ensure that the battery is fully charged. Simultaneously inspect and replace aging spark plugs or fuel injectors and other components.
3. 高溫告警:檢查冷卻系統(tǒng)是否正常運(yùn)行,確保冷卻液循環(huán)暢通和散熱器清潔。同時可以增加散熱風(fēng)扇,并在高溫時停機(jī)降溫。
3. High temperature alarm: Check if the cooling system is operating normally, ensuring smooth circulation of coolant and cleanliness of the radiator. At the same time, a cooling fan can be added and the machine can be shut down for cooling during high temperatures.
4. 油壓不足:檢查機(jī)油液面是否足夠,是否存在漏油情況。檢查并更換損壞的油泵、油路堵塞的零部件。
4. Insufficient oil pressure: Check if the oil level is sufficient and if there is any oil leakage. Check and replace damaged oil pumps and blocked oil circuit components.
5. 發(fā)電機(jī)輸出異常:檢查發(fā)電機(jī)的電壓和頻率是否符合要求。可以通過校準(zhǔn)電壓調(diào)節(jié)器或替換不正常的穩(wěn)壓器來解決。
5. Abnormal generator output: Check if the voltage and frequency of the generator meet the requirements. This can be resolved by calibrating the voltage regulator or replacing an abnormal voltage regulator.
6. 運(yùn)行不穩(wěn)定:檢查燃?xì)獍l(fā)動機(jī)的點(diǎn)火裝置、油氣比、空氣過濾器等關(guān)鍵部件,確保其運(yùn)行正常。及時進(jìn)行維護(hù)和保養(yǎng),定期更換磨損的零部件。
6. Unstable operation: Check the ignition device, oil gas ratio, air filter and other key components of the gas engine to ensure their normal operation. Timely maintenance and upkeep, regularly replace worn parts.
For the above faults, it is recommended to regularly inspect and maintain the gas generator set to ensure its normal operation. At the same time, if a malfunction occurs and you do not have the ability to repair it, you should promptly contact a professional repair service provider for repair or consultation.