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返回 2024.01.29 來(lái)源:http://www.a7716.cn 0

燃煤發(fā)電機(jī)組,是將煤等化石燃料的化學(xué)能轉(zhuǎn)化為電能的機(jī)械設(shè)備。 燃煤發(fā)電機(jī)組工作原理:是將煤燃燒產(chǎn)生的熱能,通過(guò)發(fā)電動(dòng)力裝置(電廠鍋爐汽輪機(jī)和發(fā)電機(jī)及其輔助裝置等)轉(zhuǎn)換成電能。燃煤發(fā)電歷史較悠久,也是較為重要的一種。

Coal fired power generation units are mechanical equipment that converts the chemical energy of fossil fuels such as coal into electrical energy. The working principle of coal-fired power generation units is to convert the thermal energy generated by coal combustion into electrical energy through power generation devices (such as power plant boilers, steam turbines, generators, and their auxiliary devices). Coal fired power generation has a long history and is also an important type.


The coal-fired power generation unit mainly consists of a combustion system (with the boiler as the core), a steam water system (mainly composed of various pumps, feed water heaters, condenser pipes, water-cooled walls, etc.), an electrical system (mainly composed of the main transformer of the steam turbine generator, etc.), and a control system. The first two generate high-temperature and high-pressure steam;



The electrical system realizes the transformation from thermal mechanical energy to electrical energy; The control system ensures the safe, reasonable, and economical operation of each system. As a traditional power generation method, coal-fired power generation also has its drawbacks and shortcomings. For example, the continuous increase in acidic gases such as SO2 and NOx emitted from direct coal combustion has led to an increase in acid rain in China, and dust pollution has a negative impact on people's lives and plant growth. Therefore, it is necessary to continuously improve the schedule of coal-fired power generation, use various technologies to improve power generation efficiency, and reduce environmental pollution, such as using desulfurization and dust removal treatment for smoke and dust or switching to burning natural gas, and using air cooling for gas turbines.


Wide power range of the unit:


Low fuel consumption, low emissions, and low noise


The unit has excellent performance, advanced technology, reliable operation, and convenient maintenance


High voltage regulation accuracy, good dynamic performance, compact structure, and long service life

起動(dòng)迅速并能很快達(dá)到全功率 只需幾秒,應(yīng)急1分鐘內(nèi)帶到期全負(fù)荷(正常5~30MIN)停機(jī)過(guò)程短,可以頻繁起停。

It can start quickly and quickly reach full power in just a few seconds. In case of emergency, it can stop at full load within 1 minute (normal 5-30 minutes). The shutdown process is short and can start and stop frequently.


Easy maintenance operation, few personnel, and easy maintenance during standby period


The product categories are rich and can be divided into: marine generator sets, land generator sets; In terms of functional structure, it can be divided into: purpose automation unit, rain shelter unit, low noise unit, trailer mobile power station unit; In the industry, it is divided into: civilian power generation units, military power generation units, oilfield power generation units, telecommunications power generation units, etc

  • 服務(wù)熱線



燃煤發(fā)電機(jī)組,是將煤等化石燃料的化學(xué)能轉(zhuǎn)化為電能的機(jī)械設(shè)備。 燃煤發(fā)電機(jī)組工作原理:是將煤燃燒產(chǎn)生的熱能,通過(guò)發(fā)電動(dòng)力裝置(電廠鍋爐汽輪機(jī)和發(fā)電機(jī)及其輔助裝置等)轉(zhuǎn)換成電能。燃煤發(fā)電歷史較悠久,也是較為重要的一種。

Coal fired power generation units are mechanical equipment that converts the chemical energy of fossil fuels such as coal into electrical energy. The working principle of coal-fired power generation units is to convert the thermal energy generated by coal combustion into electrical energy through power generation devices (such as power plant boilers, steam turbines, generators, and their auxiliary devices). Coal fired power generation has a long history and is also an important type.


The coal-fired power generation unit mainly consists of a combustion system (with the boiler as the core), a steam water system (mainly composed of various pumps, feed water heaters, condenser pipes, water-cooled walls, etc.), an electrical system (mainly composed of the main transformer of the steam turbine generator, etc.), and a control system. The first two generate high-temperature and high-pressure steam;



The electrical system realizes the transformation from thermal mechanical energy to electrical energy; The control system ensures the safe, reasonable, and economical operation of each system. As a traditional power generation method, coal-fired power generation also has its drawbacks and shortcomings. For example, the continuous increase in acidic gases such as SO2 and NOx emitted from direct coal combustion has led to an increase in acid rain in China, and dust pollution has a negative impact on people's lives and plant growth. Therefore, it is necessary to continuously improve the schedule of coal-fired power generation, use various technologies to improve power generation efficiency, and reduce environmental pollution, such as using desulfurization and dust removal treatment for smoke and dust or switching to burning natural gas, and using air cooling for gas turbines.


Wide power range of the unit:


Low fuel consumption, low emissions, and low noise


The unit has excellent performance, advanced technology, reliable operation, and convenient maintenance


High voltage regulation accuracy, good dynamic performance, compact structure, and long service life

起動(dòng)迅速并能很快達(dá)到全功率 只需幾秒,應(yīng)急1分鐘內(nèi)帶到期全負(fù)荷(正常5~30MIN)停機(jī)過(guò)程短,可以頻繁起停。

It can start quickly and quickly reach full power in just a few seconds. In case of emergency, it can stop at full load within 1 minute (normal 5-30 minutes). The shutdown process is short and can start and stop frequently.


Easy maintenance operation, few personnel, and easy maintenance during standby period


The product categories are rich and can be divided into: marine generator sets, land generator sets; In terms of functional structure, it can be divided into: purpose automation unit, rain shelter unit, low noise unit, trailer mobile power station unit; In the industry, it is divided into: civilian power generation units, military power generation units, oilfield power generation units, telecommunications power generation units, etc