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返回 2024.03.06 來源:http://www.a7716.cn 0


A biogas generator set is an essential machine, among which Cat? The (Carter) CG170 series units have a high cost performance advantage:


High profitability: The CG170 series units have a power generation efficiency of up to 44.2%.

高穩(wěn)定性:基于無氣流燃燒和擴(kuò)大機油箱延長了維護(hù)保養(yǎng)間隔; 每年運行時間高達(dá)8000小時或以上。

High stability: Based on no airflow combustion and expanding the oil tank, maintenance intervals are extended; The annual running time can reach 8000 hours or more.


Low lubricant consumption: The lubricant consumption rate is about one-third of that of units of the same brand.


Emission control: Efficient and clean combustion meets all universal emission requirements.


Gas pretreatment and desulfurization system


The gas pretreatment system mainly includes dehumidification, filtration, and stabilization devices, providing gas that meets the requirements of engine start and operation. The gas pretreatment system is a necessary equipment for the biogas generator set.



Due to the usual presence of H in biogas? S gas, H? S gas has high corrosiveness, and any engine has an impact on H? S has certain requirements. When H in biogas? When the S gas content exceeds the engine requirements, desulfurization treatment must be carried out.


There are two types of desulfurization methods: dry desulfurization and wet desulfurization. For high H? Wet desulfurization is usually used for gases with an S-content (H-S content above 10000ppm). Wet desulfurization can use different catalysts such as complex iron and PDS.


Denitration device

沼氣發(fā)電機組是長期運行的,且現(xiàn)有的環(huán)保法規(guī)越來越嚴(yán)格(對NOx的排放要求通常為100mg、80mg,甚至低至35mg。),脫硝裝置成為必備的要素。目前卡特彼勒燃?xì)獍l(fā)電機組有兩種排放類型:250mg 和 500mg NOx。其工作原理是利用尿素溶液或氨水作為還原劑,在催化劑的作用下將煙氣中的NOx 還原成N2排放在空氣中,減少污染。

Biogas power generation units operate for a long time, and existing environmental regulations are becoming increasingly strict (NOx emission requirements are usually 100mg, 80mg, and even as low as 35mg), making denitrification devices an essential element. At present, Caterpillar gas generators have two types of emissions: 250mg and 500mg NOx. Its working principle is to use urea solution or ammonia water as a reducing agent, under the action of a catalyst, to reduce NOx in flue gas to N2 and discharge it into the air, reducing pollution.


Distribution equipment


Whether it is a high-voltage or low-voltage biogas generator set, distribution equipment is essential. Its electrical system usually includes: grid connected control cabinet, grid connected switch cabinet, PT cabinet (required when the rated voltage of the generator set is high voltage), distribution cabinet, power cables and cable trays or trenches, control cables and cable trays or trenches.


Optional configurations for improving economic efficiency

01 溴化鋰制冷機組:溴化鋰制冷機組利用發(fā)動機排煙廢熱進(jìn)行制冷,當(dāng)項目需求有足夠的冷量,且冷量的經(jīng)濟(jì)價值高時,可配置。

01 Lithium Bromide Refrigeration Unit: The lithium bromide refrigeration unit utilizes engine exhaust heat for refrigeration. When the project requires sufficient cooling capacity and the economic value of the cooling capacity is high, it can be configured.

02 蒸汽、熱水鍋爐:蒸汽、熱水鍋爐利用發(fā)動機排煙廢熱產(chǎn)生蒸汽和熱水,是項目的可選配置之一。

02 Steam and hot water boilers: Steam and hot water boilers utilize engine exhaust waste heat to generate steam and hot water, which is one of the optional configurations of the project.

03 熱交換器:為沼氣發(fā)動機水套水和后冷卻水散熱。

03 Heat exchanger: It dissipates heat from the jacket water and rear cooling water of the biogas engine.


This article provides technical support from biogas generators. For more detailed and exciting content, please click on our website https://www.huannengpower.cn We will wholeheartedly provide you with satisfactory service.

  • 服務(wù)熱線




A biogas generator set is an essential machine, among which Cat? The (Carter) CG170 series units have a high cost performance advantage:


High profitability: The CG170 series units have a power generation efficiency of up to 44.2%.

高穩(wěn)定性:基于無氣流燃燒和擴(kuò)大機油箱延長了維護(hù)保養(yǎng)間隔; 每年運行時間高達(dá)8000小時或以上。

High stability: Based on no airflow combustion and expanding the oil tank, maintenance intervals are extended; The annual running time can reach 8000 hours or more.


Low lubricant consumption: The lubricant consumption rate is about one-third of that of units of the same brand.


Emission control: Efficient and clean combustion meets all universal emission requirements.


Gas pretreatment and desulfurization system


The gas pretreatment system mainly includes dehumidification, filtration, and stabilization devices, providing gas that meets the requirements of engine start and operation. The gas pretreatment system is a necessary equipment for the biogas generator set.



Due to the usual presence of H in biogas? S gas, H? S gas has high corrosiveness, and any engine has an impact on H? S has certain requirements. When H in biogas? When the S gas content exceeds the engine requirements, desulfurization treatment must be carried out.


There are two types of desulfurization methods: dry desulfurization and wet desulfurization. For high H? Wet desulfurization is usually used for gases with an S-content (H-S content above 10000ppm). Wet desulfurization can use different catalysts such as complex iron and PDS.


Denitration device

沼氣發(fā)電機組是長期運行的,且現(xiàn)有的環(huán)保法規(guī)越來越嚴(yán)格(對NOx的排放要求通常為100mg、80mg,甚至低至35mg。),脫硝裝置成為必備的要素。目前卡特彼勒燃?xì)獍l(fā)電機組有兩種排放類型:250mg 和 500mg NOx。其工作原理是利用尿素溶液或氨水作為還原劑,在催化劑的作用下將煙氣中的NOx 還原成N2排放在空氣中,減少污染。

Biogas power generation units operate for a long time, and existing environmental regulations are becoming increasingly strict (NOx emission requirements are usually 100mg, 80mg, and even as low as 35mg), making denitrification devices an essential element. At present, Caterpillar gas generators have two types of emissions: 250mg and 500mg NOx. Its working principle is to use urea solution or ammonia water as a reducing agent, under the action of a catalyst, to reduce NOx in flue gas to N2 and discharge it into the air, reducing pollution.


Distribution equipment


Whether it is a high-voltage or low-voltage biogas generator set, distribution equipment is essential. Its electrical system usually includes: grid connected control cabinet, grid connected switch cabinet, PT cabinet (required when the rated voltage of the generator set is high voltage), distribution cabinet, power cables and cable trays or trenches, control cables and cable trays or trenches.


Optional configurations for improving economic efficiency

01 溴化鋰制冷機組:溴化鋰制冷機組利用發(fā)動機排煙廢熱進(jìn)行制冷,當(dāng)項目需求有足夠的冷量,且冷量的經(jīng)濟(jì)價值高時,可配置。

01 Lithium Bromide Refrigeration Unit: The lithium bromide refrigeration unit utilizes engine exhaust heat for refrigeration. When the project requires sufficient cooling capacity and the economic value of the cooling capacity is high, it can be configured.

02 蒸汽、熱水鍋爐:蒸汽、熱水鍋爐利用發(fā)動機排煙廢熱產(chǎn)生蒸汽和熱水,是項目的可選配置之一。

02 Steam and hot water boilers: Steam and hot water boilers utilize engine exhaust waste heat to generate steam and hot water, which is one of the optional configurations of the project.

03 熱交換器:為沼氣發(fā)動機水套水和后冷卻水散熱。

03 Heat exchanger: It dissipates heat from the jacket water and rear cooling water of the biogas engine.


This article provides technical support from biogas generators. For more detailed and exciting content, please click on our website https://www.huannengpower.cn We will wholeheartedly provide you with satisfactory service.